View this post on Instagram Časť chalanov tohtoročnej #offseason letnej prípravy to už má za sebou 🏒🏋🏻♂️ Chalani @dudike96 @_gecialex @filip_bori @_dominikantala_ @rdeak_47 @m_mucka @filipskorec @jedla_m urobili ste obrovský kus roboty 👏🏼 Nech sa Vám darí v nadchádzajúcej sezóne presne tak, ako si želáte 🤜🏼🤛🏼 Head coach @coach_mino, coaches: @coach_ivi @coach_miho @coach_mato @majopitel #coaches #players #athletes #healthandperformancesk #strengthandconditioning #coach #budiny #budsamsebou #beyou #robistopreseba @borgczsk A post shared by Mgr. Martin Nosko (@martin_nosko) on Jul 14, 2019 at 3:31am PDT
View this post on Instagram Od dnešného dňa sme začali “Ice Hockey Summer Camp 2019” 🏒 Osem týždňov full of fun 🤪 #icehockey #summercamp #offseason #healthandperformancesk #strengthandconditioning #coach #budiny #budsamsebou #beyou #robistopreseba . . . #bratislava #dontstop #workonyourself #healthylifestyle #trainer #fitness #keepmoving #movewell #beactive #lifestyle #livemyjob #fitness #fitnessbratislava #bratislavafitness @borgczsk A post shared by Mgr. Martin Nosko (@martin_nosko) on May 20, 2019 at 5:54am PDT
View this post on Instagram Žijeme v dobe, kde nás informácie doslova zahlcujú a my máme následne tendenciu robiť presne to isté v našich profesiách... Nie je cieľom klienta/športovca zamotať kvantom informácií a pokynov, ale naopak, jednoduchou formou dosiahnuť úplne pochopenie... “Ak to nedokážeš vysvetliť jednoducho, dostatočne tomu nerozumieš” 🤷🏻♂️ Albert Eistein #simple #explanation #cuing #coaching #understanding #teaching #healthandperformancesk #strengthandconditioning #coach #budiny #budsamsebou #beyou #robistopreseba . . . #bratislava #dontstop #workonyourself #healthylifestyle #trainer #fitness #keepmoving #movewell #beactive @borgczsk A post shared by Mgr. Martin Nosko (@martin_nosko) on Jul 10, 2019 at 10:58am PDT
posted by Kenneth M. Walsh at 7:31 PM
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Writer/editor living in Manhattan (so you don't have to). My blog covers pop culture, politics, books, celebrity, music, tennis, New York City, LGBT issues, small adventures -- and is filled with typos (and writethrus) throughout.
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